Granted it might not seem like a literal miracle something we use so often and that's so common place. However, when used to unite families in prayer and scripture study, I think it is awesome!
We arrived at my brother-in-law's house last night, except he wasn't there, only his beautiful family. He is traveling. When it came time to get the kids to bed, they all gathered around the computer and skyped with dad who was in his hotel room ready to start what is evidently a nightly tradition.
As the image of their dad came on the screen, all three children yelled 'daddy!!' and seemed to be ecstatic to see their dad on the screen. They exchanged important information like what they had done during the day and the fact they had these aliens (cousins) in their house to stay for the night, and such things.
We read the scriptures, mom explained some of the verses, and when finished, dad called upon someone to offer the family prayer. It was awesome!
As a frequent traveler myself, I've done it many times, I'm sure you've done it too! In my mind, it's still awesome. And last night it was great to see an awesome dad whose children adore him, being there even without being there. Tonight, when he comes home, the hugs and kisses will abound. And though the physical touch will never be replicated through technology, while dad is away, technology is a miracle that as a dad I am grateful to have.
Amazing. The Lord continues to bless us with tools and it is left to us to use them wisely.