Monday, March 21, 2011

What's So Special About Breakfast at McDonald's? My Kids

Last Monday I had to go out of town again on business. Sunday night I wanted to do something special the next morning with my three oldest boys who would get up early enough that I'd still be able to see them before driving off to the airport. As they went to bed I proposed the idea "guys, what do you think about breakfast at McDonalds together tomorrow morning?" They got excited!

You see, Helaman goes to seminary pretty early (6:00). After I drop him off at school, I drive Luke to school at 7:00. Then I come back and usually have breakfast with Parker and Camille who need to be ready for school around 8:30. So we never have breakfast all together. Sleep is sacred in our home, so why get up earlier if you don't have to right?

So, when I suggested we go out for breakfast, they got excited because it was our little secret, our own boys' morning out for breakfast. I know my kids don't like it when I travel (even my older boys), so this made it extra special; it was our time together just before I left on a trip.

So, I picked Helaman just a few minutes early from Seminary (shhh, don't tell Sisters Moffit or McEntire), and with his two younger brothers, we headed for breakfast at McDonalds. It's not that I really like McDonald's but it was the closest open place to digest something. But it was the company and the laughs we shared together during those precious few minutes there.

I hope they remember that experience the way Luke remembers and still talks about the time when he and I went for an exploratory walk through the woods in the snow one cold winter night for one of our son/dad outings because there wasn't anything else to do or much time to do it. He thought it was pretty memorable. And so did I.

I hope they remember it the way they remember and still talk about the time I took them three on a road business trip to a short client engagement and they got to stay all day long in the hotel room waiting patiently for dad to get done so we could drive a bit around a town we hadn't been in, eat dinner and then drive all the way back home.

I hope they remember that, the way they still remember and talk about the time we made a small fire in our backyard and cooked our foil dinners and camped in the backyard next to our deck.

That morning, after I dropped them all off where they needed to go, I drove off to the airport feeling joyous and satisfied for the privilege of having spent this special time with them.

So, what's so wonderful about McDonald's? It's my kids!


  1. P.S. I have also had a blast with Joshua (just he and I) having ice cream. He thinks those mini cones are the best. But one of my favorite visits was the time I actually went up into the playground with Camille! Yep, I was way up there in the highest part of the play place thing. You should try it at least once...I dare you!

  2. It was recently said that love is spelled t-i-m-e. You're experience has well illustrated that! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks agentDAD. Time is a most precious gift and one that does not come back once it's lost.
